Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thank You Cookie...

Thank You Cookie!!!! I don't think I tell my husband thank you enough so I just wanted to share with everyone a few things that he has done in the past week that I am thankful for. First, thank you for working TWO jobs 7 days a week to provide for our family financially so that I am able to stay at home with the boys and do what I love. Thank you for being my personal mechanic and fixing my breaks and changing my oil this week. I will have everyone know that my husband actually replaced my brakes and tuned up my car all before going to work one morning last week & then on his only day off (Sunday) he changed my oil & fixed something that he showed me but I don't remember the name of it. Thank you for being our landscaper & pulling weeds last night until 11:30. Thank you for being our exterminator and determined to find where the heck the ants are coming from and seeing that they DIE! Thank you for being our dog walker and seeing that Pugsley the fat & lazy dog that he is gets at least one walk a day. Thank you for being Elijah's playmate and making sure he gets at least sometime outside everyday. Thank you for changing Samuel's first diaper of the day so that I can have a few more minutes to sleep. Thank you for being my greatest supporter and friend! Finally, and most of THANK YOU for giving me the 2 best things that have ever happened in my life Elijah & Samuel!



KiKi said...

Yeah, he's pretty rad :o). And I am also very thankful that the two of you have given me two of the most beautiful nephews an Auntie could ask for. Thanks :o)

Jane said...

Great job Cookie, however he fixed your brakes instead of taking a break. couldn't help myself. Love mom

Shannon said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for all of you and love the fact that you are enjoying being at home with the boys so much.

Mary said...

What a wonderful family!!!! We had the best time on Sunday morning and hope to do it more often. You are doing a terrific job with those boys. xoxoxox Mary

KiKi said...

So, make an update. I miss you and the boys, a lot today.