Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday evening Cookie and I decided to hit a new park with the boys & as always they loved it. It was so great to be able to share a park adventure with Cookie since I usually get to share it with my fellow mommas. The downside to having Cookie at the park is the boys get even more daring and he assists them in it so now I am fearful that this behavior is going to continue when I take them to the park this week. All that aside it was a blast and the boys simply loved it!

These pictures from our "adventure" as Elijah calls it & they make me smile!!!


Who's brown eyed, brown hair, brown skinned baby is this? MINE all MINE and he is as perfect as he is cute! But really how did I finally end up with a mocha baby?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Five on Friday

Friday is here and I have started this post several times only to have to stop because my middle man, Sam was into some type of trouble or mischief so here are five things he has done this week that I wanted to pull my hair out!

-While washing his hands one day this week in the bathroom he was successful in flooding the bathroom so much to the fact that it came out into the hall way.

-He is ready to potty train, I don't think I am and therefore he is constantly running around the house NUDE but only so after I have already changed and dressed him.

-He was using the potty for the fifth time today and in an effort to get on the toilet because he refuses to use the little potty he stepped into the toilet which would be fine but he was wearing Elijah's sneakers so now all Elijah has for shoes are the dang rain boots!

-He hates for the day to end and last night put Cookie through the ringer with bed time and did not close his eyes and fall asleep till almost 11pm, that is a really long day!

-Finally, while having lunch today he was standing on the stool in an effort to see the GOD DAMN ice cream truck drive down the street and fell off the stool and brought the stool down on top of him & now he has a huge bruise on his head (he is ok).

Who knows what the next week will bring with Sammy but what I do know is as much as I don't like him I could not love him anymore than I do! Big Hugs and Kisses to my middle man Sammy!!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adventures at Grammie & Papa's

We had an amazing time away at Grammie & Papa's so good we had no time to blog. The month really passed quickly, well at least to us it did I am sure that Grammie & Papa might feel differently. The boys traveled great, adjusted to sleeping in different places well, loved visiting with everyone, & really had a great time! Here are a few pictures of the things we did most are just every day happenings that you miss out on when your family is 1500 miles away!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Samuel the Sandman

I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Five on Friday

Blogging was not so successful while on our vacation but wanted to end with a Five on Friday!

1. My boys are all amazing travelers and have really done while sleeping in several different places.

2. Having 3 children really changes vacation and I am not leaving nearly the shade of brown that I was hoping but I do have a little bit of color.

3. My parents are saints and having 5 grandchildren and 2 string willed daughters stay with them for over a months time is more than words can say. I don't think that their house has been this messy or noise since 1994, thanks Grammie & Papa

4. I miss my husband & strangley Pugsley too. The boys and I are very excited to go home but really sad to leave. It really sucks when your heart is in two places!

5. I have my fingers crossed that the next 6 weeks in New England are going to be hot & sunny so that we can enjoy the pool and some beach days home with our peeps!

Thats it for now, hoping to be back on scheudle blogging this weekend!