Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One more month....

One more month & my baby will be a year old! How did this happen??? Where has the time gone? A year ago at this point I was getting everything ready in the house for the new baby & spending as much "quality" time with Elijah as I could. Now the house is a constant hustle and bustle always noisy and very seldom clean. But I can say this I would not change it for the world!

Samuel at eleven months old is happy happy happy!!! Or as Grammie called him today the toothless crawler. Yup, he has no teeth yet or even a sign of one & has not an interest in the world of walking. This drives me crazy EVERY single day because I myself have been an over achiever since day one and was born with a tooth and walked at nine months. Now I have a child who has no teeth and no interest to walk, so which do you think is going to happen first do you think he will get a tooth or walk?

Right now Samuel is saying dadda, lijah (elijah, momma, bub (bubble), & hey (uncle jay). Uncle Jay is Samuel's best friend and always makes him smile whenever he sees or even hears him from another room. Samuel also really enjoys playing with Elijah no matter what he is doing, sneaking up the stairs, taking bubble baths, & insists on feeding himself which often leads to big messes!

Who knows what the next month will bring but I hope that there is a tooth and a stroll in Samuel's near future. I have already started the planning of his big birthday bash and everyone should be seeing their invitation in the mail soon!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finally Good Weather!!!!

The good weather has arrived and I have been smiling since the sun came out on Friday! I feel so energized, I am in a great mood, I am feeling motivated and positive I just am simply happy!!!!! With the good weather came a lot of time outside to enjoy it. So after church on Sunday the boys took their naps and I enjoyed a little time on the deck doing my two favorite things chatting with Michelle and getting some sun!!! After the boys woke up 3 hours later, thank you God we set up Elijah's new t-ball and hit some balls & later he rode his bike. I am proud to say he is excellent at both. He really does not even need the tee but it is my easy way out from tossing him pitches. Samuel was happy as can be just watching and cheering his brother on while enjoying an afternoon snack. Later Cookie grilled some steak tips up for dinner and the boys were both asleep in bed by 8:30. We closed the weekend by watching the Red Sox sweep the Yankees! Who knows maybe we have a future all star in the making!!

Sesame Street Live!!!

Cookie surprised the boys with tickets to Sesame Street Live this weekend, courtesy of Comcast. The boys loved it & had a great time. Samuel was clapping, dancing, and singing along to everything. We had fantastic seats and could see everything perfect. Elijah was very also very in it but a little disappointed that he did not actually get to walk on Sesame Street. When I told him where we were going he asked if he could ride his bike there so I don't think he actually understood till me arrived at the show what was really going on. It was so much fun! Cookie & I both had a great time and were dancing in our seats right along with the kids!

Everybody in the pool...

Elijah started swim lessons this past Saturday. He was so excited about going and could not wait to get there. For the next eight weeks Cookie will be taking him on Saturday mornings to the Y in hopes that he will learn how to swim. He loved his first class and told me he listen to everything the teacher said. This week they worked on getting in and out of the pool as well as putting their faces in the water. Cookie said he did great! I am happy that he & Cookie are going to be doing this together I think it will be great that they get to spend some time with just each other. Here are some pictures of them heading off to class. Please note the backpack that Elijah insists on wearing everywhere now, keep in mind the backpack in empty!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The first phone call from a girl's father....

Samuel had a date last week with his girlfriend Kate which resulted in us getting a phone call from her dad. Kate's father was not too please with how Samuel was treating his daughter. I guess he was not too happy that he enjoys mounting her when she is laying on the ground and he also really enjoys hitting other little kids in the head with toys just ask his friend Colin who I am sure had bruises after our visit with them. I assured Kieran (kate's father) that I do not encourage the behavior and will do my best to put a stop to it BUT his daughter does not exactly play hard to get & Oh yeah she likes to pull hair!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It has been on our to-do list forever but finally the boys are roommates & are officially sharing a room. The night before Easter Cookie and Uncle Jay took down the crib and moved it across the hall to Elijah's room. Elijah got to pick where his bed would be and he was so excited to have Samuel in there with him. I was nervous because Samuel is not the best sleeper and Elijah had been sleeping with the light on since June. Well I am a proud momma again and happy to announce that Samuel is a fantastic sleeper and Elijah sleeps with the light OFF!!!

Just like my mother said it would it worked out perfect!!!! Our one small challenge has been the afternoon nap but I am sure we will figure it out soon. I love having my bedroom back to just being me & Cookie & we both love the fact that everyone is sleeping until the morning!!!

Why did we wait so long to do this??? Oh yeah my husband's honeydew list is a mile long, well at least it is done now!


Better late than never right....

So here is our Easter post. The boys had a fantastic holiday, better than I could have hoped for. Saturday evening Elijah, Daddy, & Uncle Jay colored eggs. Elijah & Cookie were both a bit confused at first since neither one of them had ever colored Easter eggs but they both caught on very quickly.

The next morning the boys were both so thrilled that the Easter bunny had left them each a bucket full of prizes!!! Elijah was very excited that he got the biggest bubble blower ever & Samuel was thrilled with anything he could get in his mouth!

After seeing what the Easter bunny had left we headed out to church. I am proud to say that we have been going to church on Sunday for almost the past month and the boys are so well behaved & make me proud every week! Later that afternoon we had Auntie LN and the in laws over for dinner. Thank goodness for LN and Jay they were a huge help in the kitchen. While we were finishing dinner and Samuel was napping Elijah, Abi, & Nate headed out for an egg hunt. Elijah did really well and had a blast but Nate was by far the true winner!

And here are some final pictures of the family....