Thursday, April 14, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

I have been blessed with some of the cutest half Irish boys on the planet!! I must really have been given the luck of the Irish since this is who I spend my days with......

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Big Brother #3

We are happy & excited to share that we are due to add another addition to our growing family. Baby #4 is due to arrive August 14, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Five on Friday

Five on Friday is dedicated this week to my almost five year old, Elijah James. Here are five things he has taught or shown me over the past five years.....

1. Control, I am not in full control of time anymore. When I was pregnant and wait for him to be born my mother took this chance to tell me that this was the start of me not being in control any longer & of course as with most she was correct.

2. Love, I had never loved someone so instantly as I did the moment he was born. It amazes me that as time has continued on I have fallen in love with him more each day and with each sweet moment.

3. Perspective, Elijah makes me look at things often from a different perspective then I would not have always had. He always has a point of view he wants to share with me and everyone else and quiet often I really enjoy his point of view.

4. Education, Elijah has taught me tons more than I can even care to admit about dinosaurs. To be honest if someone needed a life line regarding a question about dinosaurs, call me I will know that answer which is so funny considering I don't even believe that they ever existed!

5. Time, Elijah has taught me that cleaning can wait and that sometime it is better to just go out and play.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just a few pictures that make me smile.....

Finally, a month later I am uploading and sorting the hundreds of photos from the holidays here are just a few that instantly made me smile!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Five on Friday

I'm back and dedicated to my blog again. It seems that somewhere between my wedding anniversary and my birthday life just got really busy and getting a minute to blog was impossible but it is at the top of my to do list to at least blog twice a week if not more. So, with that on to the first FoF of 2011.....

1. To start the new year we had Noah baptized and washed away his original sin. It was an amazing mass and I will post more on that later. I think he is extremely lucky to have godparents (Michelle & Luigi) who would travel through a blizzard to accept this huge responsibility.

2. I turned 35 on the 8th of January and with the support of a baby sister, great girlfriends (two husbands), and LN I was able to celebrate exactly how I wanted out drinking and dancing my butt off!! I think that 35 is going to be a wonderful year for me.

3. Noah is getting so big and might actually be on the verge of taking a few steps the simple thought of this makes me want to take him out at the knees. Funny with Elijah I could not wait for him to walk, Samuel I was angry because some special blonde boy walked before him, & now Noah I am not looking forward to the trouble him walking is going to get the three of them into.

4. I hate the winter and Elijah loves it, every snow storm we have had he tries and tries to talk me into liking the snow. He can not wrap his mind around why I don't like it after all what is not to like there is snowmen, snowballs, snow angles, snow forts, sledding, hockey, ice skating, even after his list it does not make it any more appealing. How can one child love the beach and the snow both so equally?

5. I am reading for pleasure again and loving it! Once we moved downstairs we did not put the tv in our room so it has forced me to read and I am loving it. My current book is The Shack and it is simply amazing I actually have found that I have to give myself a page limit at night so I don't stay up reading all night. Thanks LN for the book it is a great one! Feel free to suggest a good book to me I just don't read sci-fi

There it is Five on Friday for the first time in 2011. I will be back blogging over the weekend because I can not let the holiday season go without sharing the memories with everyone!