Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I got a full nights sleep! Samuel slept from midnight till 8am. I woke up at 6am in a panic & in fear that he was not breathing but he was and he was still sleeping. I am hoping that since today he is eight months old that maybe just maybe we have made a turn for the better and he is going to become a better sleeper. I hope so because as soon as Cookie is ready I am down to Ferberize!!!

Other news....Auntie Kiki is here visiting and we are having so much fun with her! The boys love her to piece & she is always a good sport about playing whatever Elijah has planned for them.

OK well my few minutes away is over gotta get back on duty!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Just a small vent.... I hate the winter, I hate snow, I hate being cold! This all being said if the boys and I survive and make it to the spring it will be a miracle and I will throw a party!!!

Some warm weather pictures!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Are you wondering what happened to us???


The new year has brought not a minute of rest for The Popotte Family! The main reason and number one culprit, SAMUEL. In a period of 3 weeks Samuel learned how to crawl on all fours (quickly), sit up, pull himself up to stand & is now attempting to let go and walk. All of these new skills have made it so I can not leave him for one second because you never know where he & Elijah are going to end up or what they are going to end up into.

Are holidays were wonderful, it was so nice to be home with our families and in the sunshine. Elijah LOVED Christmas and all that came along with it & Samuel just loved hanging out with everyone & chasing after Elijah's new stuff.

After two weeks away we were happy to be home in our own beds but not really too thrilled to the weather that has not stopped since we got back. Elijah loved the snow and has already made two snowman this season, thanks to Daddy who will take him outside.

Gotta run Samuel calls from his brief nap. Poor little guy has a head cold, a cough, and is simply miserable!