Friday, November 20, 2009

Five on Friday!

1. Cookie is off in LA visiting Elijah's Godfather Bill and Dave is meeting them out there tonight, he won't be back till late Monday night and strangely I miss him already!

2. Elijah has been working on the skill of drinking out of a cup without a lid or straw so the other night he commented on his own milk mustache and then informed everyone at the table the he was a "man"....I almost spit milk out my own nose.

3. I started my Teaching Literacy class last weekend and I was please to find out that my boys are right where they should be or even ahead when it comes to literacy.

4. My parents & Grandpa arrive tomorrow, Kiki comes on Monday night, and it makes me very sad that The Kepperling family will not be joining us for is never the same when a Kelly Kid is missing.

5. We have reached 21 in our pregancy, I am feeling great and tons of movement from the baby. We have a repeat ultrasound on Tuesday and I am so tempted to find the sex out since Cookie and I have not come anywhere near a name decision.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

An Afternoon Ride...

This year for Cookie's birthday the boys and I got him a bike seat that he has been wanting since we had Elijah and since baby #3 will be here before we know it I figured it was time to get it. The intention is for Samuel to ride in it and Elijah to ride along side on his own bike that I think Santa might be leaving under the tree but Elijah had to try it out first to make sure it was safe for his little brother. The first ride out was a blast, father and son had a fantastic time but Elijah is very concerned that Cookie did not wear his helmet and so am I. I keep telling my husband it is all in the examples that we show!

Monday, November 16, 2009

My Favorite Superhero!!!!

We knew at 33 I would fall in love with a superhero!

Saturday, November 14, 2009



Today is the day the world's most original Papa was brought into this world! I am so happy to say that my boys have the best papa in the world and when it comes to his children and grandchildren there is nothing he would not do. This amazes me at times considering he is an only child and never really had to give anything up for anyone else. I want to take the chance to thank my father for a few gifts he has given me in life that he may not even know about, thank you for giving me the gift of gab that I have, my love for travel, my appreciation of music, and my guilty love of ice cream and little Debbie snacks! Thank you for introducing me boys to matchbox cars and always having a new one for them when you seen them, thank you for giving Elijah his first fishing experience, and thank you for getting down and playing with them even after you have worked hard all day. Daddy, overall thank you for being you and as much as we pick on you and jab you about certain things we love you for who you are and the entertainment and great stories you bring to our family!!!!

We love you Papa, Happy Birthday!!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I am not really sure where the week has gone and I have not blogged about anything so here at the very least is Five on Friday!

1. We had our "big" ultrasound on Monday which was very exciting because finally Cookie was able to see the baby. Although baby #3 was being lazy and did not move very much and we were not able to get all the measurement we needed so we have to have a follow up in two weeks. A plus to the follow up is Grammie and Kiki will be here and get to go!

2. We are officially half way through our third pregnancy! I can not believe that we are already at this point and how different life is about to become in the Popotte house.

3. Elijah thinks we should name the baby, Spiderman Baby. This is top of our name selection so if you have suggestions please feel free to offer them.

4. We had a wonderful time celebrating Cookie's birthday last week with a nice family dinner out, some yummy cake, and we surprised him with a seat for his bike to ride around with Samuel. I think and hope he enjoyed his 35th birthday!

5. I start a new class this weekend which is on literacy and I am so excited about it!!! I can not wait to learn how to actually teach children to read, I am so happy I went back to school!!!

OK well time to do the afternoon clean up and get ready for the weekend!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Five on Friday

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOKIE!!!!!!! My darling husband's birthday is today and we are so excited to celebrate him!

2. Elijah thinks that everyone should have a bounce house on thier birthday is is very upset that we did not order one for Cookie.

3. On Wednesday November 4th it has been 9 years since our friend Matt passed away, I can not believe how much time has passed and how much things have changed. What I find even more unbelievable is how his mother gets out of bed everday and functions, Joan Hunt is truely one of the most amazing women I know & I am very proud to call her my friend!!!!

4. We were exposed to the H1N1 this week and so far so good everyone is still healthy, I am praying we stay thay way PLEASE!!!!

5. Week 19 in the pregnancy & I can not believe it. We have our "big" ultrasound on Monday morning I will be breath and rest a little easier once we see a healthy baby! Oh and side note I can not get it out of my head that it's a girl, why???

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Family Pictures

Sunday we were lucky enough to have some family pictures taken with the sweetest woman, Molly! My girlfriend Carla had used here a few months ago and we were lucky enough that she had a cancellation this past weekend and was able to fit us in. We had a lot of fun but Samuel was not in the best of moods with the time change and he bumped his head after only about ten minutes of being there but I think we will get a few out of it. We are going to try again in the spring after the baby arrives, I am already looking forward to it!