Saturday, April 4, 2009


Today is my baby sister, my twin, my friend Kristen's birthday or as the kids call her Kiki. Kiki ROCKS when it comes to being a sister, an auntie, and she is a great sounding board. I never would have imagined that 23 years ago that one day she would have become one of my closest friends & confidants, I LOVE YA!!! We hope that you have a fantastic day and an awesome game night with your peeps!!!


KiKi said...

<3 Less than three!

Thank you! It really is amazing, when I was little I never thought these days would come. I never thought I would "catch up" and become your peer and not just the baby anymore.

Love you and those boys!

Michelle said...

Happy birthday, Kris!!!

Hey did I see that tattoo before the wedding???? I can't remember it, but it is beautiful.
Happy Holidays!!!!!!