Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Moms

There are few times in life that you meet people that you can truly call your friends, I was lucky enough 2 years ago to meet 4 other new moms and their babies (Keri & Landon, Sue & Cameron, Tanya & Lucy, & Carla & Ava) and we just clicked! We are an interesting group of women all from different backgrounds and family and what we had in common at first was our "babies" and our newness as first times mothers. When I look back now I don't really know where I would be without these women I am very proud to call my friends. They have been a source an endless support, guidance, laughter, outlet, a play group over then past two years and for that I can not thank them enough! You ladies really ROCK & are some of the best mothers that I know!

Life has changes since our first meeting....we are now all on to baby #2. Carla had a son Micheal the day before Samuel was born, Sue is next up at bat & her greatly awaited daughter will be arriving early September, Tanya will be getting to experience the joys of a son come late October, & Keri's baby #2 will be here late January (she hopes) and what is great is we now get to figure out and work out the kinks together of being moms of 2 children!

My point here is to just say thanks girls, I love ya & would not be the mom I am without you guys!!!!!


kerilee77 said...

I'm a little teary! I think the world of you guys too and couldn't imagine the last 2 years without you guys. You are the best! :o)

Sue said...

I couldn't agree more. I can't imagine not having you guys in my (our) life! I love that we have become forever friends and also that the kids have too!


Tanya said...

Dianna - I was just thinking about blogging on this very topic. I am so lucky to have the four of you. Don't be surprised when I write my book one day and you all have characters. :)

Carla said...

My eyes are full of tears!! I can't agree more - you guys really mean the world to me and I am so lucky to have you in our lives!