Friday, February 26, 2010

Five on Friday

Five on Friday from the house of illness. It has been a long long week and that does not even sum it up but I refuse to let the week pass without a five on Friday.

1. Children with high fevers stress me out! Samuel at one point this week had a fever of 104 & Elijah had a fever of 102.5 both of course on different days. I guess the fact that they were on different days is good because it got to stretch my worry and stress out that much more.

2. We have watch more tv and movies this week than a family should watch in a year & I feel really guilty about it. Samuel now asks for shows and of course he and Elijah never can seem to agree on what to watch.

3. Elijah cracks me up with the things that come out of his mouth, the latest was this week while getting out of the tub we were talking about swimming in the pool this summer and he firmly in true Elijah fashion told Cookie and I that he is "too old for the Cat pool!" translation is he is too big for the kiddy pool,,,,he cracks me up!!!

4. Baby #3 should be here in about 5 weeks & we still have no name. This week in my brief moments of sleep that I have had I am having nightmares over names and that people hate them or refuse to call them by the name that we pick. I know this is crazy but just another thing for me to focus on.

5. I have class this weekend which I am really looking forward to after being suck in the house with two really sick boys, does this make me a bad mommy?

Ok well there it is a five on Friday, I hope next week is full of healthy kids and a happy less stressed momma!!

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