Friday, February 5, 2010

Five on Friday

Five on Friday....

1. Only 8 more weeks and baby #3 will be here, I can not believe in less then two months we have another baby in the house it seems like Samuel was just born.

2. Speaking of Samuel, my afro puff baby and I have been at odds for a few weeks now. Most of his day is spent looking, crying, longing for his daddy and hating his mother. Because of his mood & behavior most of my day is spent giving him the snacks he asks for and counting the minutes till nap, I hope this changes soon because it makes for a really long long day!!!

3. I can not believe that Elijah is turning 4 in a little over a week! This of course entails big planning for the 2nd annual dinosaur birthday bash, I am actually excited for it and what we have planned I think everyone is going to have a ROARING good time!

4. It has been almost a month since the earthquake that hit Haiti & I still can not watch the coverage, I get way too emotional over any second that I see of it. I think being married into my crazy haitian family of course makes me much more sentive. I am very proud to share that Cookie did a public service announcement for Comcast a few days after the earthquake hit and it has raised over $700!!!!

5. Over the past few weeks a few moms around me have shared some really difficult, emotional, and challenging moments with me and I was reminded I am EXTREMELY lucky & thankful that my boys healthy & happy (most days)!!!!

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