Friday, February 12, 2010

Five on Friday

My five on Friday this week is all about my Elijah and celebrating him this weekend as he turns FOUR!!!

1. Hard to believe that four years ago in the midst of a blizzard we were beckoned to South Shore Hospital to start the induction of Elijah's birth...and then it took two days for it to happen!

2. I struggle to think of what life was before Elijah in a wonderful sense he has taught me to be true to myself and what I believe in!

3. The past four years have been a learning and growing experience for both Cookie and I and even though we do not always agree on how to parent and raise the boys or know exactly what to do we always support each other and for that I am very thankful.

4. I still get emotional when I think about Elijah's birth and that amazing moment, there really is nothing in my life that compares to it...well a close second would be when he tells me I am his best friend and he loves me!

5. Finally, however sassy, fresh, talkative, stubborn, insane, persistent, or just simply crazy Elijah is I love him with all that I am and he makes me smile every single day!

Here are I am four years ago heading out to have my baby boy!!

1 comment:

KiKi said...

You looked so good! I am still having a hard time believing that he is turning four! I hope he has a ton of fun at his Dino Bash!