Five on Friday from the house of illness. It has been a long long week and that does not even sum it up but I refuse to let the week pass without a five on Friday.
1. Children with high fevers stress me out! Samuel at one point this week had a fever of 104 & Elijah had a fever of 102.5 both of course on different days. I guess the fact that they were on different days is good because it got to stretch my worry and stress out that much more.
2. We have watch more tv and movies this week than a family should watch in a year & I feel really guilty about it. Samuel now asks for shows and of course he and Elijah never can seem to agree on what to watch.
3. Elijah cracks me up with the things that come out of his mouth, the latest was this week while getting out of the tub we were talking about swimming in the pool this summer and he firmly in true Elijah fashion told Cookie and I that he is "too old for the Cat pool!" translation is he is too big for the kiddy pool,,,,he cracks me up!!!
4. Baby #3 should be here in about 5 weeks & we still have no name. This week in my brief moments of sleep that I have had I am having nightmares over names and that people hate them or refuse to call them by the name that we pick. I know this is crazy but just another thing for me to focus on.
5. I have class this weekend which I am really looking forward to after being suck in the house with two really sick boys, does this make me a bad mommy?
Ok well there it is a five on Friday, I hope next week is full of healthy kids and a happy less stressed momma!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Not a good day....
Today was not a good day at all and that does not even really sum it up. Nothing special happened to make it that bad but nothing really happened to make it easy either. If you have been following on facebook you have heard the boys have been sick with the croup since Friday night. Our weekend sucked it was full of sick kids and sleepless nights. Monday Cookie went back to work and was about to escape the boys who want to both be held constantly, don't want to eat, hardly want to drink, and never want to sleep or watch the same movie!
The there was today....Elijah is on the mend I hope and Samuel seems to be getting worse I debated off and on if I should take him back to the doctor but finally decided to wait and see how he would be tomorrow. Well the all hell broke out, also know as Samuel crying NONSTOP for over an hour nothing at all would stop him from crying NOTHING!!!! He was a mess so in hopes of saving his life and my sanity we went for a drive so both boys could get a bit of a nap and I could get a minute. This is not my best mommy moment but a girl has to do what she needs to do I guess? Well after our hour plus ok two hour drive we got back to the house and guess what happened as soon as we got home....Samuel started crying again for at least another hour. Samuel cried until Cookie came home and at this point Cookie came home to find the three of us sitting on the floor crying. On a plus my husband must have known it was not a good day because he brought home flowers, thanks babe!!!!
So today I cried all day it seemed because after the boys finally went to bed I had an emotional meltdown of the days happenings, things that have happened, and the fate that awaits us in five weeks when baby #3 arrives! I hope that all this is just because I am pregnant and not because I am becoming an overly emotional person.
I hope the boys sleep soundly tonight and that tomorrow is a brighter day!!!
The there was today....Elijah is on the mend I hope and Samuel seems to be getting worse I debated off and on if I should take him back to the doctor but finally decided to wait and see how he would be tomorrow. Well the all hell broke out, also know as Samuel crying NONSTOP for over an hour nothing at all would stop him from crying NOTHING!!!! He was a mess so in hopes of saving his life and my sanity we went for a drive so both boys could get a bit of a nap and I could get a minute. This is not my best mommy moment but a girl has to do what she needs to do I guess? Well after our hour plus ok two hour drive we got back to the house and guess what happened as soon as we got home....Samuel started crying again for at least another hour. Samuel cried until Cookie came home and at this point Cookie came home to find the three of us sitting on the floor crying. On a plus my husband must have known it was not a good day because he brought home flowers, thanks babe!!!!
So today I cried all day it seemed because after the boys finally went to bed I had an emotional meltdown of the days happenings, things that have happened, and the fate that awaits us in five weeks when baby #3 arrives! I hope that all this is just because I am pregnant and not because I am becoming an overly emotional person.
I hope the boys sleep soundly tonight and that tomorrow is a brighter day!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Six years ago February 21st became on of my favorite days, for you see it was the day that Cookie FINALLY asked me to marry him. I had waited and dreamed about him asking me for a really long time and then to my surprise he actually did it! It was all I had hoped for but nothing I had pictured he really surprised me which is often hard to do. It was a Saturday afternoon & I had just worked overtime (oh how I would love some Verizon overtime pay right about now)and we were out doing errands for his mother when for some reason he pulled over at Jamaica Pond and had me get out of the Jeep because he wanted to question a dent in the back. As I was getting out of the car I was thinking "crap what did I hit" but to my surprise I turned around to find him as I had always dreamed down on one knee with a pretty little black box with the perfect ring inside for ME!!! I still smile ear to ear when I replay this day in my mind and I don't think he really knows that & I wish he did. From that simple little question my life with him has been one great thing after another with of course an occasional bump in the road to make it exciting!!
I reminded Cookie this morning of what today was and we both ask each other if we would do anything differently or change anything out how our lives has unfolded and amazingly we both answered, no. Our life is exactly as we would hope it would be which is a lot to say considering neither of us slept last night because the boys are so sick with the croup. So, although I often complain and go on about my husband and what he does and does not do that drive me crazy I love him more that I could love anyone and I am so happy that he popped the question to me that February afternoon!
I reminded Cookie this morning of what today was and we both ask each other if we would do anything differently or change anything out how our lives has unfolded and amazingly we both answered, no. Our life is exactly as we would hope it would be which is a lot to say considering neither of us slept last night because the boys are so sick with the croup. So, although I often complain and go on about my husband and what he does and does not do that drive me crazy I love him more that I could love anyone and I am so happy that he popped the question to me that February afternoon!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Five on Friday
Here we are Friday again & it has been a hell of a week!
1. Samuel has discovered the it is more exciting to climb out of his crib than to sleep in it so we will be transitioning to a bed far sooner than we hoped.
2. Samuel has also discovered a love of the potty and is no longer a big fan of his diaper and insists on using the potty the last few days. Strangely to my surprise he actually does pee on the potty when he asks to go, maybe he really is ready to potty train?
3. After great debate, discussion, and even a few sleepless nights Cookie and i decided on a preschool for Elijah and enrolled him for the fall. He will be going Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-12 and I think we picked a perfect match and will be very happy!
4. At my check up today for Baby #3 everything looks great baby is still head down, only measuring 2 weeks ahead which is great for me, and had a healthy heartbeat of 152 which is the highest it has been. Only 6 more weeks till we find out boy or girl!!
5. My #5 for the week is a confession that 3 out of the 5 days this week I have napped when the boys napped and used Samuel's crib climbing as an excuse to hold him and nap with him. I have to admit I was a much happier mommy because I got an hour or so of shut eye.
1. Samuel has discovered the it is more exciting to climb out of his crib than to sleep in it so we will be transitioning to a bed far sooner than we hoped.
2. Samuel has also discovered a love of the potty and is no longer a big fan of his diaper and insists on using the potty the last few days. Strangely to my surprise he actually does pee on the potty when he asks to go, maybe he really is ready to potty train?
3. After great debate, discussion, and even a few sleepless nights Cookie and i decided on a preschool for Elijah and enrolled him for the fall. He will be going Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9-12 and I think we picked a perfect match and will be very happy!
4. At my check up today for Baby #3 everything looks great baby is still head down, only measuring 2 weeks ahead which is great for me, and had a healthy heartbeat of 152 which is the highest it has been. Only 6 more weeks till we find out boy or girl!!
5. My #5 for the week is a confession that 3 out of the 5 days this week I have napped when the boys napped and used Samuel's crib climbing as an excuse to hold him and nap with him. I have to admit I was a much happier mommy because I got an hour or so of shut eye.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
ROAR Elijah is 4!!!!!!

I can not explain where the last four years have gone but I can tell you who has made them simply amazing & that is my Elijah!!! We celebrated with his 2nd Annual & what will also be his last dinosaur bash, just as he requested! I think the day went pretty good and everyone seemed to have a good time. What I do know is Elijah had "the best birthday & most perfect party EVER" because this is what he told we while I tucked him into bed.
Thank you for everyone that came to celebrate and thank you to everyone who helped out especially Tanya who took the stress away from me and took all the pictures!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Five on Friday
My five on Friday this week is all about my Elijah and celebrating him this weekend as he turns FOUR!!!
1. Hard to believe that four years ago in the midst of a blizzard we were beckoned to South Shore Hospital to start the induction of Elijah's birth...and then it took two days for it to happen!
2. I struggle to think of what life was before Elijah in a wonderful sense he has taught me to be true to myself and what I believe in!
3. The past four years have been a learning and growing experience for both Cookie and I and even though we do not always agree on how to parent and raise the boys or know exactly what to do we always support each other and for that I am very thankful.
4. I still get emotional when I think about Elijah's birth and that amazing moment, there really is nothing in my life that compares to it...well a close second would be when he tells me I am his best friend and he loves me!
5. Finally, however sassy, fresh, talkative, stubborn, insane, persistent, or just simply crazy Elijah is I love him with all that I am and he makes me smile every single day!
Here are I am four years ago heading out to have my baby boy!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New Do....
So, as we do every six weeks or so the boys and I ventured out to get their hair cut. It was only a year ago that I was till holding Elijah in the chair with the promise of prizes or treats after. Well, times have changed they both sat perfectly still and while in the moment I was thrilled and happy as could be it may have actually been a bad thing. Poor Samuel's hair was butchered! The worst hair cut I have every seen, all I asked for was a trim and before I new it on the floor all his curls were sadly GONE! All day long I kept looking at him telling myself that everything was fine I was over reacting but then this morning came and everything was not alright his hair is awful! I know it will grow back and I will say once I sprayed it down today and added a little product in it, everything was better not good but better. Anyways it will be along time before Samuel has another hair cut we might actually be embracing the afro full on and then maybe even dreadlocks!

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Five on Friday
Five on Friday....
1. Only 8 more weeks and baby #3 will be here, I can not believe in less then two months we have another baby in the house it seems like Samuel was just born.
2. Speaking of Samuel, my afro puff baby and I have been at odds for a few weeks now. Most of his day is spent looking, crying, longing for his daddy and hating his mother. Because of his mood & behavior most of my day is spent giving him the snacks he asks for and counting the minutes till nap, I hope this changes soon because it makes for a really long long day!!!
3. I can not believe that Elijah is turning 4 in a little over a week! This of course entails big planning for the 2nd annual dinosaur birthday bash, I am actually excited for it and what we have planned I think everyone is going to have a ROARING good time!
4. It has been almost a month since the earthquake that hit Haiti & I still can not watch the coverage, I get way too emotional over any second that I see of it. I think being married into my crazy haitian family of course makes me much more sentive. I am very proud to share that Cookie did a public service announcement for Comcast a few days after the earthquake hit and it has raised over $700!!!!
5. Over the past few weeks a few moms around me have shared some really difficult, emotional, and challenging moments with me and I was reminded I am EXTREMELY lucky & thankful that my boys healthy & happy (most days)!!!!
1. Only 8 more weeks and baby #3 will be here, I can not believe in less then two months we have another baby in the house it seems like Samuel was just born.
2. Speaking of Samuel, my afro puff baby and I have been at odds for a few weeks now. Most of his day is spent looking, crying, longing for his daddy and hating his mother. Because of his mood & behavior most of my day is spent giving him the snacks he asks for and counting the minutes till nap, I hope this changes soon because it makes for a really long long day!!!
3. I can not believe that Elijah is turning 4 in a little over a week! This of course entails big planning for the 2nd annual dinosaur birthday bash, I am actually excited for it and what we have planned I think everyone is going to have a ROARING good time!
4. It has been almost a month since the earthquake that hit Haiti & I still can not watch the coverage, I get way too emotional over any second that I see of it. I think being married into my crazy haitian family of course makes me much more sentive. I am very proud to share that Cookie did a public service announcement for Comcast a few days after the earthquake hit and it has raised over $700!!!!
5. Over the past few weeks a few moms around me have shared some really difficult, emotional, and challenging moments with me and I was reminded I am EXTREMELY lucky & thankful that my boys healthy & happy (most days)!!!!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Cooty Bug....
Tuesday morning when Elijah got up the first thing he asked was, "when will Auntie Ellen be here?" I made the mistake of telling him Monday night that she would be coming to visit the next day. His morning consisted of him coming up with ideas of fun things that they could do together....he was so excited!!! He really has taken a wonderful liking to Ellen over the past six months and now is often asking when she is coming over or if he can go to visit, I LOVE this because sadly we really don't have any aunts or anyone for that matter who come over to just hang out with the boys.
After a morning of waiting Elijah and Auntie Ellen got done to his first task, The Cooty Bug Game. Ellen was awesome and explained the entire game and may have even let him win or at least given him an advantage here or there. Elijah had an awesome day of games, coloring, dinner, and hanging out with Auntie Ellen he even asked at bedtime when she was coming back to hangout with just him and daddy and I can go out....I love his thinking!!!!!

After a morning of waiting Elijah and Auntie Ellen got done to his first task, The Cooty Bug Game. Ellen was awesome and explained the entire game and may have even let him win or at least given him an advantage here or there. Elijah had an awesome day of games, coloring, dinner, and hanging out with Auntie Ellen he even asked at bedtime when she was coming back to hangout with just him and daddy and I can go out....I love his thinking!!!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Baby #3
The time is really ticking by and the arrival of baby #3 will be here before we know it. Most days I can not believe it is almost here, it feels like it was last week that we actually found out that we were pregnant so how can it be that another little Popotte will be coming to live with us? I think if I am honest I am in a bit of denial that it is even happening, not that I don't want it to happen but if I don't think about it than it will take longer to happen. Does this make sense?
I am feeling pretty good for the most part. I had a few weeks were the baby was breech and very high up which was making it so I was breathing like a fat pug even when I was sitting. Lucky for me Samuel at one point was also breech so I busted out the 17 steps to move your breech baby and got to work. Well, I am happy to report that I walked around for about ten days playing my ipod to my crotch and it worked the baby flipped. I am hoping that the baby stays in position which it more than likely will because it does not have much room in there anymore.
We have not done anything in preparation for the baby except discuss names over and over and over again! Needless to say we have not agreed or settled on anything & Elijah thinks we should name the Bob. One thing I can promise you is the baby's name will not be Bob or Spiderman Baby!!!
I am feeling pretty good for the most part. I had a few weeks were the baby was breech and very high up which was making it so I was breathing like a fat pug even when I was sitting. Lucky for me Samuel at one point was also breech so I busted out the 17 steps to move your breech baby and got to work. Well, I am happy to report that I walked around for about ten days playing my ipod to my crotch and it worked the baby flipped. I am hoping that the baby stays in position which it more than likely will because it does not have much room in there anymore.
We have not done anything in preparation for the baby except discuss names over and over and over again! Needless to say we have not agreed or settled on anything & Elijah thinks we should name the Bob. One thing I can promise you is the baby's name will not be Bob or Spiderman Baby!!!
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