Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Brotherly Love....

Since, Samuel was born he has been called many different names; Samuel, Sam I Am, Samwellie, Sammy, Munchie, Tutu, & brother. But recently Elijah has given him a new name. The other night that were wrestling and being crazy when suddenly there was a pause. Elijah reached over put his arm around Samuel and says, "Samuel, you my best friend I love you!". It melted my heart & I wished I had it on tape! I figured this was a one shot deal and that would be it. Then yesterday while in the check out at BJs Elijah was introducing himself to the cashier and then he introduced his brother, "His name is Samuel, he's my brother & my best friend!" The cashier got teary eyed and I actually did too. They are so cute & really love each other. I hope that they stay like this and when they are older and need each other they are there for one another.


Shannon said...

I love this...William and Ryleigh are still like this on most days. When push comes to shove they always stick together! I guess we are passing the Kelly kid bond to our kids!

Tanya said...

I would have cried! So sweet!

Ln said...

That's awesome! The bond is there...there will be days you doubt it, but it will always be there!