Friday, August 28, 2009

Five on Friday....

I was making lunch for the boys today and suddenly realized crap it's already Friday, downside to being a stay at home mom all the days just sort of blend together sometimes. Anyways on the the FoF....

1. Monsters have invaded Elijah's side of the room. This has been a disaster and has caused many bedtime issues over the past few days. These monsters have also stolen blankee in the middle of the night and caused him to come screaming across the hall in fear of his life. I personally have no patience for this and have told him over and over again that there is no such thing but it does not seem to be working.

2. I am loving school! I love that I am getting the chance to study something I have always had an interest in and I love the fact that I get to have adult conversation at least once a month and it does not involve my children or theirs as a topic. Going to school has had me feel alive again and I am so thankful for everyone who supported me in the decision especially Cookie who gave the final push!

3. Samuel has become an stealth climber and is able to make it to the top of anything in less than 30 seconds. In the past week I have found him on top of various tables, chairs, tool benches, and hanging out many windows we are not really sure what this child is not capable of.

4. I am extremely sad that the cooler weather is on it's way. I love and long for summer all year and the fact that it is only here for a brief two months makes me what to move (not happening) to Florida.

5. Finally, this morning while on my way to the grocery store I was listening to talk radio, I'm such a dork I know but anyways I was listening to everything that the late Senator Ted Kennedy did for our country and all the laws and bills he assisted in getting passed and it made me realize truly what a great loss our country had this week and what an incredible seat that will be to fill.

Till next Friday....

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