Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Hey Mom you see that???"

Most evenings Cookie and I take the boys on a walk around the neighborhood in an effort to get some exercise, time to chat, and to wind the day down. The entire walk Elijah is saying, "hey Mom you see that_________?" and I will be honest at this point in the day I just agree and continue my conversation with Cookie. Monday evening the boys and I were solo on our walk and again Elijah said "hey Mom you see that bees nest?" I responded "What?" "Yeah you see the bees?" I looked up and did I ever! There is a GIANT hive!!! I said "Wow Elijah that is crazy" he so politely responded "I told you there were bees in the tree YESTERDAY!!!". He had in fact told me about the bees before by I just brushed him off but told I looked, was in awww, and went back to get my camera. Take a look! Taking care of these bees defiantly warrants a bee suit!


KiKi said...

Holy cow. I've never seen anything like that! Only on My Girl when Vada and Thomas J throw rocks at it. Crazy! I love that boy, Haha, I told you yesterday! Damn, Cookie really does need a bee suit. Where is that hive anyway? In your yard?

dianna said...

No not in our yard it is on at the corner house on our street. God could you imagine if it was our yard then I would need to by the bee suit for Cookie.

Shannon said...

let me start with the "I told you yesterday" it happens to me all the time! Now on to the bees, good think cookie did not go with you that day or you may own a bee suit! I don't think I could ever walk by that house again!

Jane said...

How cool, don't forget to give Elijah a lesson on a bee's life. You know how those are all the worker bees and the queen is safely inside the can see little bits of honeycomb that all those busy worker bees are making honey. If you throw rocks at bee hives they will c hase you down in the V formation!

Ln said...

Oh so glad I wasn't there. I am NEVER going near that house except in my car with the windows rolled up! That's a LOT of bees!