After picking out the tree it was a bit down hill from there suddenly my child who only eats to survive was STARVING and then suddenly freezing to death!!! I brought him & Samuel back to the van but could not get him in fast enough because now he was complaining that he could not feel his fingers and his tears were burning his face and turning to ice!!! I have no idea where in God's name he gets his drama from but it makes me laugh! Finally, after what seemed like forever Cookie was back and we were headed home. We brought the tree up and successfully got it into the stand straight on the second try and without snapping at each other I was so proud of us.
Elijah was anxious to decorate but I explained that we would do it tomorrow and that the tree needed time to warm up before I could put the lights on it. Well, 5 am this morning Elijah was wide awake and ready to decorate the tree! Later, much later as in after nap we did decorate the tree where again I had to let go of my control and let him put this ornaments where he wanted. I love pulling out the ornaments every year and thinking about the friends and family that gave them to us at different milestones in our lives it makes me smile and even sometimes cry. We finished the tree with topping it with our new star that Elijah had the honor of placing and even though it was not exactly straight and the tree was not decorated exactly how I would have wanted I left it as is and took a minute to think about how lucky I am to have Cookie and our awesome boys to share this with!!!!
Maybe the I am getting a little bit of the holiday spirit in me!
I have no idea where he gets that drama from either. I couldn't be from him Mom or his Kiki that is for sure! I can really see how that is a dragon tree, without question. Also, props on getting it in straight and without snapping at eachother. Mine still isn't in straight and there has been much snapping :o)
are you trying to kill me with the photo of Elijah putting the star on the tree???????
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