Friday, October 16, 2009

Five on Friday

It's Friday finally!!!

1. Samuel is getting 2 more teeth which at 16 months will give him a grand total of 6! I am still amazed that he is able to eat as much as he does with the 4 that he has now.

2. Elijah has been a testing his limits in all areas and to great lengths. Cookie and I are in the process of regrouping and really putting him on the lock down with the rules. Thank you to Grammie for all her advice and guidance.

3. It is FREEZING this week and I hate it! The thought that there may soon be snow on the ground makes me want to throw up. I really hope it does not snow before Halloween.

4. Tomorrow is my day off!!! I am so excited that I am getting a night away with some of my fellow mommies and some much needed time to re energize!

5. We are 16 weeks pregnant this week & I can not believe that we are almost at the half way point. I still at some point everyday am surprised that we are having our third baby & by surprised I mean that it happened with such ease and lack of effort, thank God!

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