Friday, November 19, 2010

Five on Friday

Friday, YIPPPEEE it's Friday which means two days with my husband and boys! Have I ever mentioned how much I love my husband and how amazing he is, well he is & I think often and wonder how the hell did I get so lucky. So, this five on Friday is about being lucky and thankful.

1. I am lucky to have the support system of girlfriends near and far you know who you are, without all of these women I would never make it through the day.

2. I am lucky and thankful to have a husband who busts his ass everyday at work to provide for our family.

3. I am lucky that I have three healthy boys with fantastic and original personalities, if I do say so.

4. I am lucky to have two bathrooms because that middle man of mine Samuel flushed a ball down the toilet and now it is broken and may possibly need to be removed. I know that this is very funny and someday I will chuckle about it I am sure.

5. I am lucky that back in October 1995 Cookie waited over an hour for me to show up for our first date because if he had not then the list above would not even exist!

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