Saturday, May 2, 2009

Anyone Wondering....

Anyone wondering how weight watchers is going for me???? Well, if you are here is the update. It is going FANTASTIC!!! In 8 weeks I have lost a grand total of 92 sticks of butter. I will save you the math and that equals 23 pounds. Right now I weigh as much as I did when I got pregnant with Elijah. So, I guess you could say I have officially taken off my baby weight! Now on to my newlywed weight, then the stress of planning a wedding weight and then I should be near goal!!!!

I feel wonderful, empowered, motivated, driven, and most of all full. I never seem to find myself hungry. I am learning to listen to my body's clues that it is hungry and I stay ahead of it. I am doing 3 days of cardo a week to be honest this is mostly to get 30-45 minutes to myself without the boys & I actually like it. Finally, I am eating more now than I have in years & we as a family are eating really healthy.

There is my update I will keep everyone posted as I go along. I find that for myself just putting it out there to everyone keeps me honest!!!!

Thanks to everyone for the constant support it means the world to me!!!


Shannon said...

Let me be the first one to say how proud of you I am! I am not supprised at how well you are doing, once you set your mind to something you get it done. I love to see you so happy about something you are doing for yourself as moms we often forget how important that really is. You rock and I am proud to call you my sister!

Sue said...


Carla said...

Congrats! You are doing AWESOME! You should be so proud!

kerilee77 said...

Sooo proud of you! Keep up the good work!

Tanya said...

You look fantastic! Keep up the great work - it must feel so awesome. I know how you are when you set your mind to things. It's a Capricorn thing.

Unknown said...

Good Job Diana!