Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday was a long day...

The day started at 4:10am roughly for me today & then the boys boycotted their nap time so it was a really long day!!! To pass the afternoon a little quicker we headed outside until Cookie got home to save the day!!!

Elijah showing Samuel his favorite flower...

And then blowing it in his face

The slide is always a big hit with both of them & now Samuel can get to the top on his own.

Samuel is also offically taking lots and lots of steps everywhere!


Michelle said...

Those pictures are amazing!
The boys look like they are just having a ball and like someone may get a tooth knocked out any day now....he he! (one foot into ones mouth due to slow end of slide exit)
I swear I want to be a kid again. these kids have a great life.

KiKi said...

I love the picture so Samuel walking. His face is so "in the zone". He is like "Okay, one foot- step. GOT IT. Next foot- step. GOT IT. This walking thing might not be too bad.". Love him! Very nice pictures.

Jane said...

Go Samuel,go! Looks like a great day in the yard. I think you're going to have a great summer.

Ln said...

Awesome pics!! I love the one with the dandelion...I think Samuel is trying to blow it back at Elijah!