Believe it or not Samuel had his 6 month check up yesterday. I can not even believe that 6 months have already come and gone so quickly. Then on the other hand I do not remember what it was like to only be the "3" of us, to come and go and not worry about feeding anyone, to sleep laying down, and to have personal space. I have to be honest I am surprised at how easily we have adjusted to having a second child, I myself thought it was going to be more challenging than it has been. Please, I am not complaining I am very happy with how it has turned out even though Samuel does not sleep for any amount of time unless pressed against my chest. As a matter of fact as I type this he is wrapped in my Moby wrap (thank you Sue) and sleeping soundly.
Anyways, Samuel's appointment went well he is 17lbs 11ounces and 27 1/2inches long perfect for his age! He has right on track and is sitting up perfect by himself. rolling all around the room, and has mastered crawling in reverse. He laughs all the time, loves music, loves to watch Pugsley (at least someone does), but most of all he loves anything and everything that involves his brother Elijah. A few things he does not like are peaches, having his diaper changed, and when a ball rolls away from him and he can not get it because he does not yet know how to crawl forward.
He is too cute! I can't wait to get that little snuggly here.
Ma is right...the Popottes cannot get here fast enough!
He is becoming such a little man! He looks like mommy!
I like watching pugsley...or ANY of the popottes for that matter!! What cuties!
I just realized, he looks a lot like Grandpa in the second picture. ha
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