Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Samuel,

A letter to my Sammy....

Dear Samuel,

Today was one of the most challenging days for me as a mother and I am sure that does not come to a surprise to you. Over the past month I have really tried to change my approach and parenting to with you because I know that you need me to go about things differently with you. I have take the time to explain anything and everything to you, made sure to give you plenty of mommy time, included you in household chores that you like to do even if washing the counter off now takes 15 minutes instead of 2, and made sure that we have been outside running around even if it meant I had to reapply sunblock for the 5th or 6th time that day! All of these changes and attention to detail don't seem to matter and you are still challenging me constantly. I know you are two years old and want to explore and ask why but why the HELL do you need to constantly hit, punch, pinch, bit, or kick people especially Elijah and I all we do is love you!

I want to say I am sorry for today for yelling, not being nice, and not being a better mom. There is no reason to yell at a two year old it is never going to make it better & I know you don't even hear what I am saying when I do yell. I watched and listened to you struggle to go to sleep tonight and I sat there wondering why if I was so mean to him today does he still want me to be near him & I the answer made me cry my eyes out for the last five hours & it is because I am your mommy and you love me no matter what. Tomorrow is going to be a better day I know because I am going to make it that way. Please know that if one day you are sitting on a therapists coach talking about if your mom loves you know that I do & I would do anything for my middle man but please oh please just stop being so physical!!!!

Sammy I love you,



Mary said...

It will all be ok ... it's the Trying Two's leading into the Terrible Three's.
Every one of us has those moments where we just can't take another "why?" or repeat ourself for the 100th time, "we do not hit" "please stop hitting" ...
You are doing good, they need limits and no matter what HE LOVES YOU because YOU are his Mommy!
Sending a big hug!

Tanya said...

You are an amazing woman and a rock star mom. I want to be just like you. That middle man will love you more than any of the others.

Jane said...

First, he is a challenge! The very traits that are soo trying today are admirable when we age....we admire those who persist until they achieve their goals, we look up to those who have such a strong sense of self that they exude confidence etc.. He knows you love him because YOU DO and you treat him that way. It saddens me that you beat yourself up for having a bad day.....believe it or not mommies are human too and we don't always do things perfectly (we're allowed) it's the hardest job you'll ever have. You're a GREAT MOM who had a bad day. Now, get back to work :) I love you and am so proud of the mom you are. XOOOOOX