Sunday, March 7, 2010

Baby Belly

I know that there are a few inquiring minds out there that are wondering what the baby belly looks like so I finally snapped a few shots of it for ya. So, here it is 36 weeks & 3 days and as large as ever. It is amazing to believe that in less than a month we are going to meet and hold this baby in our arms. I am starting to get very excited and wondering constantly who is in there, boy or girl & what is their name? I guess at this point only time will tell.


Jane said...

Ahhh, what a belly it looks good! I'll have to study a little and see if I think it's a boy or girl.

KiKi said...

Holy moly! You look great! You're growing a person, and it looks so good!!

Tanya said...

Your baby belly is stunning!

kerilee77 said...

You look fabulous!!! Can't wait to find out what the baby is!

Ln said...

Beautiful baby belly!