Friday, March 26, 2010

Five on Friday

I made a pledge to myself early in the week that I would make sure to get my five on Friday done and now here it is after ten o'clock at night and I am finally getting to it.....always procrastinate

1. Here we are week 39 where the HELL has the time gone? I can not believe that we will be a family of five in no time.

2. Samuel has had a real word explosion over the past few weeks which I am so happy about because it was getting a bot challenging trying to communicate but we are over the hump and he is chatting up a storm just like his bog brother and mom.

3. For the first time ever I Skyped this week. The boys and I skyped with Michelle one afternoon so she could see how big my belly was and get to see the boys. I am surprised to say I really liked it and hope to get the Kelly Family on board and be able to Skype with everyone from the hospital.

4. We still have no name for the baby and it seems like our list keeps getting longer and longer which I am not even sure how that is possible. I have starting praying that a name just comes to us, I hope my prayers are answered sooner rather than later.

5. Finally, Elijah is over the moon excited about the baby arriving I think he might actually me the most excited person on the planet right now. I think it is so sweet that he can not wait to meet the new little addition to our family. He has also added a new name to the list, Santa which I don't think he is going to make the final cut.

So there it is my five on Friday...please keep us in your thoughts over the next week that we go into labor and get to meet this new baby soon!

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