Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Five on Friday!!!

Happy Birthday to me & a Five on Friday!!!

1. Today I turn 34 & will be celebrating tomorrow night out to dinner with Cookie, thanks Ellen for babysitting!

2. I am hoping and have my fingers crossed tightly that my husband brings home a checkerboard cake from White's since last year I could not have cake because of Samuel's dairy allergy and for the simple fact that I love it!

3. Elijah and I have started planning his birthday party. Like his mother he has a lot of idea on how it should be done and what he wants & it looks like we will be having the 2nd annual dinosaur birthday bash!

4. Baby #3 has been moving like crazy if I had to guess I think he/she is doing jumping jacks multiple times during the day & night but it's favorite time to exercise is 3:16am, lucky me!!

5. I am getting nervous about how Samuel is going to react to the new baby and it makes me sad some days that he is possibly going to be the "middle" child and never had a chance to be the baby for very long. I hope we are able to balance this and we all come out OK!


Tanya said...

Happy birthday! Enjoy your night out to celebrate. Hope you got your cake!

kerilee77 said...

Happy, happy birthday! I was going to send you a facebook birthday message last night at work, but ended up getting put on call so I fell asleep very early. :o) I hope you have a fantastic night out with Cookie!!! Did you end up getting your special cake?

Ln said...

Here sitting now as you are out on your date with Cookie...and I see the cake in the fridge so I know you got that too! I am happy you are having a good birthday.

Michelle said...

hi friend....
i am sorry a have been absent from my blog checking but it was just so nice to read your 5 on Friday. I so sometimes feel like we get to gab so much that I am totally in the loop of the Popotte family happenings, but it nice to get on and see your wmiling you are much less of a wise guy on your blog.....he he
Again sorry I haven't been on much, but you know I am always with ya friend. M