Friday, July 16, 2010

Five on Friday

Blogging was not so successful while on our vacation but wanted to end with a Five on Friday!

1. My boys are all amazing travelers and have really done while sleeping in several different places.

2. Having 3 children really changes vacation and I am not leaving nearly the shade of brown that I was hoping but I do have a little bit of color.

3. My parents are saints and having 5 grandchildren and 2 string willed daughters stay with them for over a months time is more than words can say. I don't think that their house has been this messy or noise since 1994, thanks Grammie & Papa

4. I miss my husband & strangley Pugsley too. The boys and I are very excited to go home but really sad to leave. It really sucks when your heart is in two places!

5. I have my fingers crossed that the next 6 weeks in New England are going to be hot & sunny so that we can enjoy the pool and some beach days home with our peeps!

Thats it for now, hoping to be back on scheudle blogging this weekend!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

You may have missed the hottest few weeks in July here in NE ever, yuck! We missed you, welcome back.