Tuesday, November 25, 2008

That Elijah makes me laugh....

Since the changing of the clocks Elijah has been getting up earlier and earlier everyday. I know I should not complain and that most children are awake and eating breakfast by the seven o'clock hour but when you have been up and down all night with a baby seven am is early. So last night when I put Elijah to bed I told him not to call for me until the sun was shinning and if he woke up before the sun to play in his room quietly. In his room there are only books & a puzzle so not that much he can really get into. Well....Samuel was up at 3 stuffy as can be & at 3:30am I hear Elijah across the hall talking I wait a few minutes and decide it is best if I go in and just tell him to get back to bed. I make it to his door and I can hear him LOUDLY singing and running around the room & I just laughed out loud to myself. I opened the door to find him dancing in the middle of his room. The first thing he says to me, "Mom No call you the sun not up yet, I playing in my room!" Yes he was correct but it was 3:30 and time to hit the sack! So, a clean diaper (he had pooped) and a quick story later he was back to bed and slept till 8am!

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