Thursday, September 10, 2009


SNAKE!!!!!!! This is what my darling Elijah was yelling from the play area Monday. He and Samuel were playing wonderfully with their outside train set and I was on the porch talking on the phone as usual to my mother. All of the sudden at the top of his lungs Elijah yelled "MOM LOOK A SNAKE!!!" this is my worst fear in life. I can not stress how afraid I am of snakes, even little garden ones. I instantly yell for Cookie as if someone was stealing the boys to come help he came very quick, thank God! I remained frozen on the porch watching and screaming while my two babies are trapped in the gated area with a snake. My mother on the other end of the phone was yelling at me to stop yelling, calm down, what's happening???? Cookie ran down to rescue the boys from what we thought was a harmless garden snake but really just turned out to be a....worm! Yup you read correctly a worm, it was however almost a foot long and really gross but not a snake. Unfortunately I was paralized in fear and did not have time to get the camera to photograph the embarrassing moment. So, what I did learn is yes in fact I would stand and watch my children get attacked by a snake before I would go and help them. I think this takes me out of the running of mommy of the year!


Jane said...

I think if Cookie weren't there you would have mustered the courage to save those babies!

KiKi said...

I am pretty sure mom is right. If cookie wasnt home you would have gone down there and swooped them up like a mama bird!!! Do you guys have snakes that bite up there?

Michelle said...

I agree with Kelly would have rescued them if you had too. Although I am sorry that you THOUGHT there was a snake because I know how scared you are of them, I love that story. m